Tradition One, LogoTradition One, LogoTradition One, Logo

County of San Diego

(619)264 0141

4104 Delta Street

San Diego, CA 92113-4113

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to create and nurture a tranquil environment in order that participants may focus on recovery and comfortably use the tools in order to make responsible, sound decisions.

Learn About Tradition One

Founded in 1971, Tradition One is a nonprofit organization which maintains and operates a campus dedicated to the rehabilitation of persons in the continuing process of recovery from alcoholism and other drug addictions. We are an accredited Drug MediCal Residential 3.1 and 3.5 facility, licensed and certified by the State of California, Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs. 

Tradition One

Tradition One provides residential alcohol and other drug rehabilitation treatment services for adult men. We focus on the individual, enacting rigorous case management that involves many community resources available to the type of populations we serve. Most of our clients are homeless. Over half of our residents come directly from the criminal justice system and have felony backgrounds. According to a 2017 National Survey on Drug Use History, the second most common reason for individuals not seeking alcohol and other drug treatment despite perceiving the need, was lack of health care. Our contract has been transitioned to meet the needs of individuals who cannot afford treatment, or who require assistance registering for MediCal coverage. Due to this transition, many individuals who might not have received treatment were able to find recovery services at Tradition One.

Residents are encouraged to help each other with the affairs of daily living. Each resident is responsible for his own living area and personal hygiene. Each participant is assigned daily house chores, the residents have a weekly house meeting, and an Executive Board is elected periodically as well as a Resident Peer Council. Common problems are discussed, possible solutions sought, and recommendations are made. The Peer Council Executive Board is called upon to make recommendations to the staff. We encourage involvement in this process of “people helping people.”

How to Apply

The Services Provided By This Program Include, But Are Not Limited To The Following:

  • Individual and Group Counseling
  • Case Management
  • Psychiatric/Medical/Dental Assistance and Referral
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Education and assistance with HIV/AIDS, TB , and Hepatitis issues
  • On site HIV and Hep-C testing and results
  • Domestic Violence Education and Prevention Referral
  • Conflict Resolution and Training
  • Social/Recreational activities
  • Anger Management
  • Employment Preparation

We welcome you who seek our help for your recovery. Our staff understands the plight of addiction as we too are alcoholics and addicts in sobriety. We understand the pains associated with this deadly disease, and we urge you to seek help for yourself, your loved ones, and those very close to you. Please do not hesitate to pick up the phone; a new and wonderful life awaits you!

Our Valued Board of Directors

Tamara Parker

Francine Maxwell

David Gloege

 Stefan Wilson| Domonick Medlock


Tradition One saved my life. Without this place and what they do for people I would either still be lost and drinking or dead. Thanks to Tradition One I am now sober and sane. I have a wonderful life that would not have been possible.
Ian S. (Sobriety date: 3/14/08)

More Testimony

Mailing List Sign Up

If you would like to be valued a part of Tradition One and receive our quarterly newsletter along with other various announcements pertaining to upcoming events, sign up for our mailing list, and we’ll get something out to you right away!


(619) 264-0141


4104 Delta Street
San Diego, CA 92113-4113



Your donation goes forth to aid in the recovery of countless men struggling with the terms of alcoholism and other drug addictions. Tradition One provides key services to these individuals to help them gain a positive and successful new life in sobriety. Since Tradition One is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, all donations are tax deductible.

Seal of Transparency

TAX ID NO. 23-7163854